Who We Are

Mission statement: To bring hope to all who are in recovery by helping them overcome the seemingly impossible.

Vision Statement: Dedicated to helping as many people as possible, from start to finish, reintegrate into society by providing support, connection to the community and resources needed to overcome the overwhelming obstacles of life in recovery.

My name is Nathan Anderson I am the founder and executive director of Reunited. Reunited was incorporated on May 3rd, 2023, with a goal to help people who struggle with addiction transition back into society. I myself am in recovery and struggled with addiction for twenty years. Throughout my addiction I managed to ruin relationships with loved ones, destroy promising career paths, lost my house, ruined my credit, piling up debt that seemed impossible to come out of, legal troubles, civil commitment, hospital stays, prison sentence, countless detoxes and treatments with little to no success. I was always able to manage making it seem like my life was on track from the outside but really, I was scared, unmotivated, overwhelmed and felt I had no one to turn to, always leading back to where I found comfort in drugs. I tried religion, psychiatry, treatment, even harm reduction nothing seemed to work. Until I was humbled enough to ask for help, I was stuck. I have been sober and in recovery since April 25th, 2022. Knowing I can’t do this and don’t have to do this alone has been the greatest turn around for my recovery. I am debt free, my relationships with loved ones are restored, I have a career path laid out for me that is beyond what I could have dreamed of. I have found my purpose in life and that is to help others who struggle with the same disease I do. My legal problems are now behind me (23 convictions, more county stays than I can count, a prison sentence, multiple felonies). All of these problems that we create in our addiction are very overwhelming. When I finally came to the conclusion that I can’t handle all of this on my own and reached out I was amazed by all the people that were willing to help as long as I was willing to put in some work. Reunited will be those people. Getting plugged into the community and giving the support needed to overcome the hole we dig ourselves into is what Reunited it all about. Our team is dedicated to helping in whatever way possible to make sure you are set up for success in not just sobriety but recovery as a whole.

Policies and Procedures



Certified Peer Recovery Support Specialist who wish to work with Reunited should

follow the process below:

1. Contact Reunited either through email or phone

2. Complete am initial phone interview

3. Complete an in-person interview

4. CPRS will be onboarded in including complete W-9, orientation, policy, and procedure


5. Introduction to supervisor


All certified Peer Recovery Specialists must have completed the 46-hour training mandated by

the state of MN and pass the certification through the Minnesota Certification Board (MCB). If

the CPRS is placed in a partnership with a 245G program they must pass a background study

through the Department of Human Services (DHS).


The Recovery Wellness Plan is a type of “road map” for your course of action during the

recovery process. All clients will complete a recovery wellness plan within their first 2 meetings

with a CPRS. It is accomplished by first identifying your recovery goals with target dates and

steps to address the actions required to meet those goals. It is integral in order to embrace the

process to gain awareness and insight as to how your alcohol and/or drug use may have

affected your life and those around you. 


Reunited maintains a client centered model that encourages clients to be involved in

the process of their wellness plan and goals. The client determines the frequency and duration

of meetings.


‘Family’ may include family, significant other or relationship, mentor) 1-1 family counseling may

be scheduled over the course of service depending upon availability of significant others and

level of client need. All services offered to clients and their families will be documented in the

clients wellness plan.


Expectations for services is that they occur 1x1, meaning one client per peer during a

service event. Group services are not permissible. Clients are billed per 15 min

increment according to 245G statue. Each client may receive services up to 120 min (8

units per day) from an undetermined number of CPRS. All client files and billing notes

are available to the PRS via the Electronic Medical Records (EMR) program. If the

client requests a document from their file, the PRS will direct the client to the Program

Manager who will assist within 72 hours.

Upon completion of service, the CPRS will help transition the client to independence

following meeting goals of the Wellness Plan. If further services are needed including a

step up on the continuum of care the CPRS will assist in seeking the proper level of



Reunited will provide service to any client who meets assessment and funding criteria

in the state of MN. Assessments must refer the client to a Peer Recovery Support level of care

and a client must be funded through a PMAP or CCDTF. We will not exclude a client based on

race, gender, sexual orientation, age, or faith.


If you are a past or current client of Reunited and you are not satisfied with decisions

or actions taken during your recovery wellness process, you are encouraged to discuss this with

your Peer Recovery Support Specialist.  If you are not satisfied with the response you received

from your PRS provider, you may submit a written account of your grievance to the Reunited

Board of Directors at schornj@isd345.org. The Board of Directors will respond to your grievance in writing within five business days

of receipt of the grievance. Appeals can be submitted in the same manner. A response will be

given to you in writing within seven business days of each appeal. You have the right to bypass

all the above steps and file a grievance directly with the Department of Human Services. All

Reunited staff are required to assist you in the completing of a grievance. Staff will

answer any questions you may have, help you write and submit a grievance, and provide you

with the necessary contact information for staff and managers. 


Staff must adhere to the following written procedures when responding to a client who exhibits

behavior that is threatening to the safety of themselves or others such as becoming verbally or

physically abusive to others, threatening to harm themselves or others, coming to the premises

intoxicated or high, or brandishing weapons. Staff will attempt to de-escalate the client,

administer first aid measures, if necessary, to person(s) injured, and get to the phone quickly, or

send any available person to dial 911, if unable to because of injury. All staff members are

authorized to implement emergency procedures. Emergency procedures will not be used to

enforce rules or for the convenience of staff for any reason except in response to specific

current behaviors that threaten the safety of peers or others. 


Precautions and measures employees can take to protect themselves from the hazardous

materials include using disposable gloves and facemask when necessary. Infection control is

managed by contacting the Hennepin County Medical Center 612-873-3000. PRS who work with

clients with infectious disease will connect via telehealth or phone.


Reunited follows Federal regulations as laid out in 42 CFR Part 2. Reunited is also bound by the provisions of the Minnesota

Privacy Act. No information will be released to persons or agencies outside of Reunited without your consent, except by court order or as required by statutory regulations

that govern health care activities. If anyone inquires after information from Reunited

related to you, or your record, your written permission is required. You may wish to refuse

permission or withdraw it after it has been given. 

Confidentiality of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Patient Records: The confidentiality of alcohol

and drug abuse patient records maintained by this program is protected by Federal law and

regulations. Generally, the program may not say to a person outside the program that a

patient attends the program, or disclose any information identified as a patient who has an

alcohol or drug use problem Unless: (1) The patient consents in writing: (2) The disclosure

is allowed by a court order; or (3) The disclosure is made to medical personnel in a medical

emergency or to qualified personnel for research, audit, or program evaluation. Violation of

the Federal law and regulations by a program is a crime. Suspected violations may be

reported to appropriate authorities in accordance with Federal regulations. Federal law and

regulations do not protect any information about a crime committed by a client either at the

program or against any person who works for the program or about any threat to commit

such a crime. Federal laws and regulations do not protect any information about suspected

child abuse or neglect from being reported under State law to appropriate State or local


Exceptions to Confidentiality: There are seven situations in which client confidentiality is not

maintained: 1.If Reunited has knowledge of, or reasonable cause to believe, a child is

being neglected or physically or sexually abused, in which case Minnesota statutes (1976,

Section 626.656, Subdivision 3) require that such information be reported. 2. Maltreatment of

Vulnerable Adults (as specified in the Vulnerable Adults Act, Minnesota Statute 626.557) must

be reported. 3. If Reunited has reason to believe there may be physical harm done to

any person. 4. If Reunited is required by specific court order to disclose information. 5.

The Minnesota Department of Human Services may, on occasion, monitor Reunited

files to assist in program and fiscal planning. This is provided for in the Minnesota Data Privacy

Act of 1975. 6. If Reunited has knowledge of, or reasonable cause to believe a

pregnant woman is taking drugs, Minnesota statutes require such information to be reported. 7.

If Reunited needs to disclose your name to collection agencies for the purpose of

obtaining delinquent payment for services rendered.

A release of information (ROI) will be established in cases where coordination is necessary with

a client’s behavioral health clinician, medical physician, family/social supports and/or agencies

and other programs the client is involved. All client records are digital and will not be printed to

transport to another service location.


As a client in the care of Reunited, you can:

1. Expect that the provider meets the minimum qualifications of training and experience

required certification practices

2. Examine public records maintained by the Minnesota Certification Board that contain the

credentials of the provider (Minnesota Certification Board, 4817 Viking Blvd NE Suite

101 Wyoming Minnesota 55092 (763) 434-9787)

3. Be informed of the cost of professional services before receiving the services

4. Maintain privacy as defined and limited by law and rule

5. Be free from being the object of unlawful discrimination while receiving recovery

wellness services

6. Have access to your records upon request

7. Be free from exploitation for the benefit or advantage of the provider

8. Terminate services at any time. 


If Refocus Recovery has knowledge of, or reasonable cause to believe a pregnant woman is

taking drugs, Minnesota statutes require such information to be reported to local county social

services agencies.



No representative of Reunited will photograph or record any individual receiving Peer

Recovery Support services without the expressed written consent of the subject. Written

consent will be retained in the peer services file.  


At no point, should any representative of Reunited obtain or control any article of client

property for any period of time.


Reunited provides and requires peers and staff to review the handouts “Drugs, Alcohol

and HIV/AIDS: A consumer Guide” and HIV Testing Resources within 72 hours of onboarding. 


PRS have the opportunity to attend quarterly continuing education sessions one time per

quarter for maintaining their credential. All PRS will receive supervision and job performance

assessment by a qualified professional (LADC, ADC-T) one hour for every 20 hours of service

billed. In addition, each week PRS are encouraged to attend group supervision to outline and

define best clinical practices.

Annual Performance Review’s are utilized using an aggregate rating system. Supervisors and

CPRS will use this information to suggest changes to improve quality of care.